Our Services
Individual Learning Solutions envisions its role as your personal advocate from initial diagnosis through career selection. ILS can provide or coordinate the multitude of services your student will require through their academic career. Excellent services exist for your student. Locating, evaluating, and monitoring these services can be a full time job and a confusing labyrinth for families. Let ILS assume that burden so you can dedicate your time and energy to loving and supporting your child.

Services Include
- Schedule and Coordinate Diagnosis and Documentation
- Interpreting Diagnoses and Standardized Testing Results
- IEP Advocacy
- Counseling Student, Faculty, and Sibling Learning Challenge Issues
- School Selection
- College/Post-Secondary Selection
- Camp and Summer Experience Selection
- Career Advancement and Advising
- Vocational Advising and Placement
- Professional Advocacy
- Strategy and Learning Advocacy Coaching
- Adaptive Technology Advice and Training
- Tutoring
- Equine Therapy
- Individual Equine Summer Program